Transportation Facility
School buses are spacious with a required capacity to ensure proper discipline and safety of students. School bus drivers are responsible to pick and drop the Children to their respective stops within an hour of the school starting and getting over.
Boarding and pastoral care
1.Boarding Expectations 2.Bounds
3.Behaviour -In the dormitories 4.Behaviour-In the dinning hall
5.Bullying 6.Prayer services
7.Co-education 8.Dress and standards
9.Drugs and alcohol 10.Use of gadgets
11.Respect for property and 12.Response to property damage
school environment
13.Security – locker searches 14.Security closed circuit surveillance
15.Study schedule 16.Use of vehicles
All students are expected
to support the staffs and other students by upholding the principles of the school and assisting other students by their example to live, dress and study according to the ethos and standards of the boarding community.
Boarding captains and seniors have been given particular authority to instruct boarders in regard to uniforms, punctuality and general adherence to boarding regulations.
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All dormitories are out of bounds to students during the school day. Its important to students respect this. Staff quarters in the dormitory are private and should be treated with respect. Students must never enter staff residence. Students should at no time be in any of the school car parks or on the boundaries of the school. The swimming pool enclosure is out of bounds except when supervised. Running in the dormitory and bathroom area may lead to accident or injury and is not permitted. Students should consider the noise level of their activities to ensure that it does not distrub other members of the dormitory. Punctuality, courtesy and acceptable manners are expected before, during and after the meal. All noise should cease before students enter the dinning hall, during meals and again before they are dismissed . Movement in the dinning hall is restricted .Students are not to visit friends for conversation at each other tables. Students are parents are strongly encouraged to report suspected incidents of bullying to boarding staff as soon as they become aware of possible instances. Prayer services are held everyday and it is compulsory for everyone .Regular prayer services are an essential part of schools ethos. It is students responsibility to keep themselves clean and tidy at all times and to follow advice and directions given by boarding staff. The school rules set down clear guidelines for policy on hair styles and Juve ley. These can be found on the school website and in the students dairy. After school ,students may wear neat, casual clothes which meet the schools standards. Footwear must be worn outside dormitories. Students should wear neat, casual clothes to the evening meal. Simple jewelry may be worn with casual clothes. Use or possession of illegal drugs will lead to expulsion .Use or possession of cigarettes, e-cigarettes and alcohol are serious breaches of school rules, and will incur appropriate consequences. In the interest and safety of all students, random and specific checks will occasionally be made to check for possession of stolen items, illicit substances or alcohol. DVDs ,pen drives ,computer games or any other storage devices or electronic gadgets are strictly prohibited in our campus. They may be confiscated. Personal areas, dormitories and the school grounds should be kept neat and tidy at all times Students are expected to maintain their living areas to a fairly high standards. Beds are to be made daily before school, clothes cleared away and lockers kept tidy. Inspections are made regularly to maintain standards .School furniture and equipment must be treated with care. It should be noted that school equipment can only be used under teacher supervision. Where damage to school property occurs ,a judgement will be made depending on the circumstances and charges may be made to a students account.